Heir to this immutable and ancestral know-how, our company is a story of passion, love, good products and, of course, old-fashioned smoking.
It was in 2017 in Bury, a small village located near Sherbrooke, that Frédérick Martel Leech and Josianne Viau decided to found Les As du Fumoir. As Frédérick likes to say, the entire fridge went into the smokehouse so that our flavor blends could see the light of day. Thus, countless trials and great discoveries allow us today to offer original products with a unique character in our store.
We are always committed to maintaining authentic smoking techniques and ensuring quality products. This starts with a meticulous selection of ingredients and collaboration with suppliers who are committed to respecting the environment, using Quebec smoking wood and doing as little processing as possible.
The desire of As du Fumoir is also to introduce smoked flavors to as many people as possible. Our spices bring a touch of originality to your plate with ease, without you having to have a smokehouse at home.
Himalayan salt, spice blends, maple sugar, oil, honey… Our wood-smoked creations give food an unrivaled taste. They develop a particular aroma, sometimes unexpected, but always tasty!
We create seasonings that transform a simple meal into a memorable event. Isn't it said that great cuisine is better recognized by its seasoning than by the richness of its desserts?